About Us
Our Team
About Us
Our Team
Behind every great solution is a great team. Get to know the people who will be working with you.
Camy Aasen
President and Chief Executive Officer
Bill Ochs
Sr. Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Alicia Edin
Vice President Operations and Client Success
Emily Watters
Sr. Manager, Implementation & Client Success
Cory Claeson
Manager, Client Accounts
Corrina Boehm
Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist
Amy Coulter
Office Administrator & Client Success Representative
Katie Degelmann
Sr. Regional Sales Vice President, Western Region
Katie Evenhouse
Proposal Technician
Scott Flanagan
Sr. Client Success & Implementation Specialist
Ryan Gautreaux
Client Success & Implementation Specialist
Emma Gentz
Lead Case Underwriter
Jake Gilbertson
Case Underwriter
Jessica Grinsteinner
Sr. Regional Sales Vice President, Eastern Region
Cindy Hoel
Account Manager
Natalie Holmstrom
Sr. Marketing and Client Success Representative
Taylor Mathisen
Sr. Client Success Representative
Maureen Murphy
Account Executive
Jamie Renteria
Client Success Representative
Rob Rohling
Account Executive
Stephanie Sanchez
Account Executive
Jenny Schaefer
Supervisor, Case Underwriting
Carly Schumacher
Sr. Administrative Assistant & Receptionist
Justin Seller
Sr. Proposal Analyst
Brian Southwell
Sr. Case Underwriter
Gao Vang
Sr. Client Success Representative
Will White
Account Executive
Heather Wrazidlo
Internal Sales Analyst